Mammography breast cancer

Mammography breast cancer 1

Mammography breast cancer 1

Mammography breast cancer
The mammogram, or radiograph breast, can detect breast cancer before you feel any lump on palpation. In the procedure presented here is, there is a sinus at a time on a photographic plate to X-ray and is used a plastic sheeting to gently flatten the breast against the plate. It is normally take two or three plates of different angles.

Within normal
This presents a mamograma within normal. The most dense, white, the channels are galactóforos.

Sinus tumor
The dense white area at the bottom of this mamograma indicates a tumor. It is necessary a biopsy to determine whether it is cancerous.

Issue on mammography
Question: A friend of mine who did a mammogram showed no signs of cancer. However, two years later, the doctor diagnosed him with breast cancer. A mammogram is really worthy of trust?

Answer: A mammogram does not provide for the development of cancer, but safely detect a tumor within if it has reached a certain volume, and often before it can be felt by palpation. A tumor that grows quickly becomes significant between two screenings.
The discovery of tumors depends on the frequency of examinations.

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