Diagnosis Breast Cancer

Diagnosis left Breast Cancer

Diagnosis Breast Cancer

All lumps in the breast that arise should be suspected to be caused cancer, although the majority is not, in fact, about four out of five are benign. The American Cancer Society recommends that women older than 20 years should perform monthly self-examination of the breasts. The definitive diagnosis can only establish itself through a biopsy. The chances of detecting breast cancer at an early stage and therefore curable increased significantly after the introduction of mammography (examination under a low dose X-ray), can find cancers too small to be felt even by the most experienced examiner. It is recommended that women do a mammogram every two years between 40 and 50 years and annually after 50.

Breast Cancer
The mortality rate for breast cancer has remained virtually the same level as in I 930. Although cancer of the lung is currently responsible for a greater number of deaths among women than breast cancer (and is fatal in 87% of cases), the latter is more common. In Japan, breast cancer is less common than in the U.S.. Its early detection through mammography. should improve the survival rate.

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